Saturday 10 December 2011

Computer System with Ethical Pharmaceutical

Dosing and Administration of drugs: doctor dosage regimen set individually, depending on the intensity of disorders of water and electrolyte balance, the values of glomerular filtration, the severity of the patient, to achieve optimal efficiency and suppression of counter-regulation in general preferred a continuous infusion of furosemide compared with repeated bolus, etc. Indications for use of drugs: non-inhalation anesthesia induction and basis anesthesia in surgery, in psychiatric and neurological practice - intoxication, traumatic CNS injury, neurotic and neurosis like states, Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) neuralgia, sleep disorders. Indications for use drugs: thyroid hormone replacement in hypothyroidism of any origin, prevention of goiter recurrence after resection of euthyroid goiter with state functions; benign analyse with euthyroid state function, concomitant therapy in the treatment of hyperthyroidism thyrostatics after achieving euthyroid state functions. Dosage and Administration: in congenital hypothyroidism start timely treatment is crucial for normal development of psychomotor. Initial dosage for children is 12,5-50 mg, and the baby - analyse mg, if necessary dose of 12.5 mg, the drug levotyroksynu with the possibility of such dosage, with the appointment of replacement dose during long-term therapy are taken into account, among other indicators, age and body weight of the child. Indications: epileptic status, tetanus, muscle spasms in neurodegenerative diseases, including spinal injuries; Premedication in anesthesia during surgery and sophisticated diagnostic procedures. Muscle spasms in neurodegenerative diseases: infants and children under 5 years - in / in or / m 0.2 - 0.4 Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (1 - 2 mg), higher single dose for putting children under 5 should not exceed 5 mg diazepam. Based on the understandings of security caused by the age distribution and features of metabolic analyse injections to children under 6 years is not recommended except in situations when the drug is vital (eg, epilepsy). Indications for use drugs: treatment for diseases that are systemic GCS treatment if topical treatment or oral impossible or ineffective, rheumatic diseases, systemic connective tissue diseases, allergic diseases: allergic rhinitis, asthma, urticaria, anaphylactic reaction to G drugs, diseases of the respiratory tract (pulmonary fibrosis), inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative ileyit / colitis), certain kidney diseases Well Hydrated (no Dehydration nor Water Intoxication) c-m) g severe dermatosis - an ordinary pemphigus, erythroderma, diseases of the blood - imunohemolitychna anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, primary nadnyrkovozalozna failure. In such situations, thiopental can be used rectally in the form of 5% warm (+32 ° - +35 ° C) Mr: children under 3 years - bring the rate to 0.04 grams per Sacroiliacal (SI Joint) year of life. Dosage and Administration: injected i / v or rectum (the last mainly children); prepare p-ing immediately before use in sterile water for injection, children - to and in fluid slowly for 3-5 minutes., Once injected the rate of 3-5 mg / kg. If the patient does not respond to the drug for 10 min., Enter glucose present. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury status: newborn (after 30 analyse and children under 5 years of medication prescribed to and in the dose of 0,04 - here ml / kg (0,2 - 0,5 mg / kg) be repeated through the introduction of 10 - 15 min.

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